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ProArch Opens Security Operations Center (SOC)

October 27, 2020
By ProArch

ATLANTA, GA ProArch has opened a Security Operations Center (SOC), operating 24/7, 365 days a year, monitoring security activity and containing threats.Cyberattacks have become a norm in society, but ProArch responded by implementing a SOC to provide a round-the-clock, fully staffed cybersecurity monitoring team.

During National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, ProArch leaders remind business owners, IT professionals and consumers across the board that cybercriminals never sleep, and organizations can no longer afford to allow their network infrastructure to be undefended past 5 o’clock. Even with the right intentions and security prevention services & tools in place, most organizations are not able to keep up with the constantly evolving threat landscape and respond to malicious activity in the time needed to prevent damage. That’s where a SOC adds value to businesses and provides true peace of mind and immediate support.

“If you’re not watching your company’s infrastructure 24/7, hackers are,” said Caleb Freitas, cybersecurity team lead at ProArch.

Businesses are turning to investing in SOC for advanced protection and defense against sophisticated threats as cybercriminals continue to evolve and cybersecurity skills are in high demand. Finally, a breach of confidential data can bring regulatory fines and loss of customer trust.

ProArch’s Security Operations Center operates around the clock seven days a week, continuously monitoring alerts, analyzing threats, and responding to security issues. Its experienced team of threat-hunters proactively detect and contain cyberattacks in real time. They proactively monitor security information and event management platform for any behaviors related to security issues. If suspicious activity is detected, four tiers of escalation occur, and an incident response process is initiated immediately.

“We’re smarter and faster than cybercriminals,” added Freitas.

Earlier this year, ProArch acquired iV4, together they have offices in Atlanta, Upstate New York, London and India. The SOC includes three levels of security analytics: SOC Manager, Security Analyst I, Security Analyst II, and Security Analyst III.


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